Kerr Family Association Genealogy Website

The Kerr Family Modern Tartan
Sero Sed Serio – “Late But In Earnest”

The Kerr Family Association of North America maintains a database of over 12,000 individuals. This amounts to about 2,000 Kerr, Ker, Carr, Carre, Kehr families. Are you related to someone with those last names?

If you’re interested in finding out, here’s what you do:

First, you must be a member of the Kerr Family Association of North America. If you are not a member, you can contact our treasurer at to find out more.]

Second, send an email to with all of the information you know about your family. Please be VERY specific (for example we have over 1,000 entries with first names of John, James and William).
Any additional information you can give will help us narrow down who you are looking for.

After sending the information to the Genealogy Coordinator, wait for a reply with the information you are seeking. Please allow up to two weeks for a reply.

The Kerr Family Association of North America Genealogy Database is copywrite 2022

Kerr Family Association of North America is a registered trademark